Congestion, Flying, & Freedom

I am typing this as I sit in the middle of a McDonald’s at 8 am in the Zurich, Switzerland airport. I am the only person at McDonald’s (I guess there is no sense of urgency since breakfast is served all day now). I am simultaneously wired on coffee and exhausted from losing a night of […]

I am not a Robot.

This one is for all the feelers out there. Sometimes I get really embarrassed of my emotions. I feel as if when God made me, he set the manual on my tear ducts as 60 percent higher than the rest of the world, and the delicacy of my heart was adjusted to the fragile setting.  On most […]

Christmas Caroling Revelations

The past few years, my family has joined the masses in Jackson square for the annual Christmas Caroling. Since 1946, at approximately 6:30 p.m. hundreds of humans storm the gates of Jackson Square at the same time and stake their position outside of the St. Louis Cathedral to illuminate the center of the French Quarter with […]

God winks.

I remember as a little girl, my teachers would always ask me if I had any God moments. When I was five, I probably classified a God moment as seeing a cloud shaped like Minnie Mouse. Later in life, it probably developed into a beautiful sunset on the ride home from school, and then turned […]